Identify dashboards and monitoring tools that can be used to resolve cluster issues

Advanced Pages CVMIP/DNS:Port 2009: Stargate page to monitor backend storage Check QoS Queue and OpLog QoS queue (admitted/outstanding IO’s) Cache hit rates should be 80-90%+ if workload is ready heavy for best possible performance Check Avg Latency, Avg Op Size, Avg. Outstanding 2009/latency: Stargate page backend latency 2009/vdisk_stats: Stargate page histograms of I/O, latency, writes…


Use the Image Service to deploy a VM

Select the image that you have created by using the image service feature. This field appears only when Clone from Image Service is selected. It specifies the image to copy. Creating the Image Creating the VM Select Clone from Image Service to copy an image that you have imported by using image service feature onto the disk.


Perform a Self-Service Restore of a VM

The Nutanix administrator should deploy NGT on the VM and then enable this feature. For more information on enabling and mounting NGT, see the Enabling and Mounting Nutanix Guest Tools. After the feature is enabled and a disk is attached, the guest VM administrator can recover files within the guest operating system. If the guest…


Perform guest customization on a Virtual Machine

Cloud-init Cloud-init is a utility that is used to customize Linux VMs during first-boot initialization. The utility must be pre-installed in the operating system image used to create VMs. Cloud-init runs early in the boot process and configures the operating system on the basis of data that you provide (user data). You can use Cloud-init…


Describe VM Data Path Redundancy

The Nutanix cluster automatically selects the optimal path between a hypervisor host and its guest VM data. The Controller VM has multiple redundant paths available, which makes the cluster more resilient to failures. When available, the optimal path is through the local Controller VM to local storage devices. In some situations, the data is not…


Describe VM High Availability functionality

VM High Availability Modes Default: This does not require any configuration and is included by default when an Acropolis Hypervisor-based Nutanix cluster is installed. When an AHV host becomes unavailable, the failed VMs that were running on the failed AHV host restart on the remaining hosts, depending on the available resources. Not all of the…


Explain Live Migration

Live migration lets you move a user VM from one Acropolis host to another while the VM is powered on. This feature follows similar resource rules as VMHA to determine if migration can occur—as long as enough RAM and CPU cycles are available on the target host, live migration will initiate. Live migration can be…