Perform one or more Nutanix Cluster Checks

A set of health checks are run regularly that provide a range of clusters health indicators. You can specify which checks to run and configure the schedulable checks and other parameters for each health check. The cluster health checks cover a range of entities including AOS, hypervisor, and hardware components. A set of checks are…


Register/Unregister a Nutanix Cluster with Prism Central

Prerequisites If you have never logged into Prism Central as the userĀ admin, you need to log in and change the password before attempting to register a cluster with Prism Central. Do not enable client authentication in combination with ECDSA certificates on a registered cluster since it causes interference when communicating with Prism Central. Port 9440…


Deploy a Prism Central VM

Installing Prism Central (1-Click Method) You can install a Prism Central VM using the “1-click” method. This method employs the Prism web console from a cluster of your choice and creates the Prism Central VM in that cluster. The “1-click” method is the easiest method to install Prism Central in most cases. However, you cannot…


Describe and differentiate Prism Element and Prism Central

Prism Central (PC) Multi-cluster manager responsible for managing multiple Acropolis Clusters to provide a single, centralized management interface.  Prism Central is an optional software appliance (VM) which can be deployed in addition to the Acropolis Cluster (can run on it). 1-to-many cluster manager Recommended for larger sites (more than one cluster/multiple sites) Prism Element (PE)…


Identify Prism Central requirements

A Prism Central instance can consist of either a single VM or a set of three VMs. A 3-VM instance increases both the capacity and resiliency of Prism Central at the cost of maintaining the additional VMs. In addition, each VM can be either “large” or “small” in size. Thus, you may choose from four…


Thick Provisioning on Nutanix

We had a customer request some thick eager provisioned virtual disks in an effort to improve performance on their SQL Server. We explained that while in legacy storage systems, thick provisioned disks do provide slightly better performance because the systems write zeroes to the disk so that metadata is allocated faster. This is no longer…


Share a Nutanix Datastore to a Non-Nutanix Cluster in vSphere

I had a need to mount a Nutanix datastore a non-Nutanix cluster in my environment for a migration, and ran into some issues. There are a lot of helpful articles out there for mouting Nutanix datastores via NFS, such as this one here. My dilemma is I need to have the Nutanix datastore presented in…