Identify the default AHV network configuration
The default AHV configuration includes an OVS bridge called br0 and a native Linux bridge called virbr0.
The virbr0 Linux bridge carries management and storage communication between the CVM and AHV host.
All other storage, host, and VM network traffic flows through the br0 OVS bridge. The AHV host, VMs, and physical interfaces use ports for connectivity to the bridge.
nutanix@cvm$ manage_ovs show_interfaces
name mode link speed
eth0 1000 True 1000
eth1 1000 True 1000
eth2 10000 True 10000
eth3 10000 True 10000
Replace bridge with the name of the bridge for which you want to view uplink information. Omit the –bridge_name parameter if you want to view uplink information for the default OVS bridge br0.
nutanix@cvm$ manage_ovs –bridge_name bridge show_uplinks
Bridge: br0
Bond: br0-up
bond_mode: active-backup
interfaces: eth3 eth2 eth1 eth0
lacp: off
lacp-fallback: false
lacp_speed: slow
root@ahv# ovs-appctl bond/show bond0
—- bond0 —-
bond_mode: active-backup
bond may use recirculation: no, Recirc-ID : -1
bond-hash-basis: 0
updelay: 0 ms
downdelay: 0 ms
lacp_status: off
active slave mac: 0c:c4:7a:48:b2:68(eth0)
slave eth0: enabled
active slave
may_enable: true
slave eth1: disabled
may_enable: false
Replace bond_name with a name for the bond. The default value of –bond_name is bond0.